
Thursday, May 3, 2012

And We Named the Ball Cookie....

My kids are creative, smart, and strange. I know a lot of parents think the same thing about their kids and I do try to approach my view of the kids with a little separation so as to not just be blind in my ideas of them. A little bit ago, Charlotte (9 year old) came in with Oliver (4 year old) and explained that they were kicking around Oliver's ball and it got knocked into something nasty and they didn't want to touch it any more. I was finishing up Sophia's (6 year old) book report with her and didn't have time to fix their crisis for them. I told them to take it upstairs and wash it off in the bath tub. They were up there for what seemed an eternity. I honestly thought they had forgot any plans of actually playing with the ball and just went on to playing something else. About ten minutes later from that point, Char and Oliver reappear with the ball in hand. "Here smell the ball." she stated with pride. "We washed it with shampoo and body wash." , she explained. "And we named the ball cookie." With that they were out the door. Oliver, Charlotte, and Cookie were off to have adventures again. Sophia finished her homework and ran to meet their new friend, Cookie. I could understand this behavior better if they were stranded on a tropical island with no one to talk to but they have plenty of friends and playmates. I'm sure they will be asking for Cookie to sleep in their room and I will have to decide which room will host our new guest. Maybe the topic of Oliver owning Cookie will spur a discussion of slavery and the problems with that whole arrangement.

I love my kids and they get their weird factor honestly.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Really Inconsistent Entry....

I am one of those people who likes to write and always swears that they will be more consistent and disciplined about their writing. Guess what? We are horrible about being a consistent scheduled writer. Maybe I don't have things happen in my life regularly enough to make writing worth while. The juice has to be worth the squeeze as they say. Maybe I should rattle off a few meaningful events in bullet point form every two days and go back when I am inclined to do so and flesh out the story points. Here are a few things thus far;

  • Stopped eating meat a while back. No, I am not concerned with animals as much as I am concerned about the crap that they are pumping into any meat you will buy and eat. I do like the idea of my living, consumption not needing to rely on the death of other creatures though. 
  • Am just now getting over an illness that has been bothering me since November. People were starting to think I was about to die or something because of the chronic coughing. I am glad to be feeling better and hope to parlay this feeling better into my next bullet point.
  • Plan to start working towards getting back into shape. I have put back on all the weight I lost two years ago and would rather not feel as old as I do. Not only are we eating vegetarian but for the next little while we will be doing that plus low carb. We are also as a family going to work on increasing our "active" time on a daily basis.
  • We are actually going to take a family vacation/trip this summer. We are looking at cabins to have a get away with my brother in law and his wife. Nick Zacharko and his wife Jessica will be with us for the outdoor adventure in a few months. It will be nice to get away with the family like that.
Well as my kids are ramping up the anarchy factor in the house, I need to attend to them. Until my next inconsistent entry, stay redamndiculous.