
Thursday, June 28, 2012

On a day when it is 108 degrees outside and this being the first day off you have had in quite some time. You may find yourself suffering from a little cabin fever. Add to this condition a few extra children besides your own who can bring the havoc with the best of them and you have a headache brewing. I am not the kind of person who likes things to be sprung on them at the last minute and especially on my day off. I hope I have not upset anyone with my less than thrilled demeanor today but I most likely did. I love my family, immediate and extended. They are great and I realize how blessed I am to have them all in my life. That does not stop me from getting grumpy when I feel that my time away from work/stress is getting overwhelmed with factors that do add stress. We all deal with days like this so I fully understand that I am kind of being a whiny bitch about this and for that I also apologize.

That said, I look forward to having some good  creative time with my kids today. We are stuck inside so I think we will knock out a few projects. One of the things we are going to do is start posting the comics the girls have been creating on a section of my blog on Blogster. The addresses will be listed below. I am also going to put the images and links up on Tumblr so that as many people can see them as possible. Char is about to start using her original art as well as the writing. I am trying to write out a little more of the "Lonely Child" project today. I should have the writing and story boarding done by the end of this week and start shooting a few scenes by the middle of July.
Click on the title below to follow the link:

Sophia's Comics Page

Charlotte's Comics Page

My Tumblr Page

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