
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Urge to Undo in the Winter Months

I find myself riding a tempo that is just above comatose in terms of activity during the winter months. Possibly this is a long leftover impulse in the human genome much like the compulsion to hibernate that other animals have. This leads to more time in front of a computer, watching movies, reading books, and drinking coffee. This in and of itself is not a horrible thing but the lack of activities to balance out these leisurely endeavors has a high price. The payment is made in pounds and loss of energy. Einstein had it by the nape of the neck with the whole body at rest stays at rest and a body in motion doesn't feel like a lazy lump of crap theory. So if as G.I. Joe pointed out, "Knowing is half the battle" then allow me to give the half of my battle plan. I have already begun the process of getting my eating habits back in check and controlling the level and quality of food I am eating. Today, I start back at the gym and will commit myself to three times a week as I did in the summer. At first I know I will be Grumpy McBastard for a short time but I can't wait to feel my energy level jump again.

The facts are this:
  • I am knocking on the door named 40
  • I have small children and do want to be there for them.
  • I am in control of how old I choose to feel.
  • There is no BOOMFIST in being a sack of couch sitting.
  • Phil Collins is evil.
  • Shower Gnomes are real.
  • I know how good I will feel when all is said and done.
So you may not care that I am getting back to my routines and that is fine. I write a lot of stuff that a great deal of people don't care to read. One morning over a nice hot cup of tea, as they bite into their perfectly toasted bagel, it will hit them. "He doesn't care if we like it. He writes because he enjoys writing."

Nuff Said.

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