
Friday, January 28, 2011

C+ T = S ( Crap allowed + Tolerance = Stupidity Level) A Relationship Formula for the Modern World (The Extended Dance Remix)

One of the young ladies who works for me came in this morning telling me of how the guy she wants to spend the rest of her life with texted her a few days ago to back out of moving in together. As I started to remark on what a little bitch move that was do say something like that over a text, she put her hand up and told me that all of it was in the past now, as she had forgiven him. Apparently he broke down and cried when she confronted him with his failed approach at communication and as he sobbed, she decided to give it another chance. Now I know this is not in any way shape or form a relationship that I am really concerned with. It is more akin to watching a slow car wreck on an icy patch of road but am I wrong in thinking this guy should have a double pull no return on his man card? This is not some little early twenties late teens kind of guy. He is in his thirties and by all accounts a "Grown Up". In the end it boils down to one fact. You deserve whatever you are stupid enough to allow. Even though most people who just read that last line are thinking, "Yeah, everyone gets that." so many are settling for some silly redamndiculous shit in their relationships right this minute. So, I ask you, do we measure our own level of stupidity by direct relation to the things we allow to happen in our lives and our relationships, be they friendship, work based, or even love?

Now have I been guilty of this in the past? Absolutely, I am confident that most everyone has. I have written about how we are all in our own twisted towers of imprisonment but fail to notice because we are to busy pitying others for locking themselves away in the same manner. This does apply here as well and I am not saying that you don't tolerate imperfections in your relationships. To be honest, I am not trying to offer relationship advice at all. That would be like the leagues worst average batter giving others on the team batting advice. I am just making an observation about how we all seem to find ourselves living la vita Springer at times when if we could take three steps back from the reality of ourselves we would see how poorly we are writing our own script.

In the end I had another conversation with the young lady having relationship issues with the texting bandit. She has a young son in the mix also and this is a point of concern as it should be when you are building a serious lasting relationship. She feels that given time that they will be fine and that the guy in question will come around. I hope it does for her and the child's sake. As she has worked for me for years, I have seen her relationships from her divorce from a man who was not emotionally mature enough to handle a family to all those that followed. As I am removed from the situation, I can see fairly easily that she keeps going back to the same well and getting bucket after bucket of the same kind of guy. When you repeat a behavior again and again only to be upset that the end result is the same, I have a hard time feeling sorry for you. This is the soap opera that restaurants can be sometimes where you get a glimpse inside the lives of those who work for or with you over the years.

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