
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Homeless Haphazard and the New Gorilla Warfare

And just watch him stagger down the street with intoxicated pride atop his crumbling climb and his junky stride. If you ask him, he will tell you that eyes don't need to focus to see what's going on. Perspective changes his face down in the gutter tragedy to a man with his ears to the tracks, listening for the coming locomotive of discourse. He hears the thumping boots of smart phone revolutionaries with idiots in tow. The clouded mind doesn't think nearly as much as it knows. Fast and ruthless like a nailgun crusifixion comes the soundbite blisters on the inside of bluetooth earpiece. Damaged hearing is the price of hearing the truth they say. Stagger on and crumble down, looking last to the lost so that your soul feels found Just watch him stagger, stagger on down and hope that he mumbles some prophecy, fortelling terrible things that sting of bourbon breathe, five dollar wise man that he is standing on the off ramp waiting for the red light dam to hold back the rush hour river so he may fish a little more. Four seasons of foul flavor has he tasted on the boulevard, thinking today is the worst to endure until tomorrow's daylight finds him again.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mash up of Recent Things With Follow Up...

A little bit back, I was musing about creating a reality show where celebrities go to prison with everyday people who commit the same crimes as they. One of the reasons I thought this would be great was because it would take them off of the headlines and dedicate a channel or show to encase all of the mayhem.

Prison with the Stars!

Alright, so I'm sure like many of you, I am tired of hearing about the issues, problems, and criminal misfires of Lindsay Lohan. I hear a lot of people shouting that she and other "celebrities" who are so guilty of crimes should just go to jail. I think that this would only cause the tax payers to pay for another body in the correctional cycle and that is a waste. May I offer another solution. We seem to have no shortage of the fame touched individuals who are in trouble with the law, from television/movie stars, reality phenoms, to professional athletes. I say that in California, a state with a huge budget crisis, a broadcast correctional facility be put in place. You stock this special jail with one half celebrities who are heading to incarceration and one half average everyday "real" convicts. Mix the two elements and add cameras 24/7. It would be a broadcast bombshell and don't doubt that advertisers would be all over it. The income could help subsidize the state's correctional system thereby freeing up dollars to go elsewhere in the budget such as education. Many think the celebrities wouldn't go for it but I am willing to bet that they are so addicted to the attention monster that they will sign up for it in a heartbeat. Hell, we can even do a post prison term counseling special with Dr. Drew where he helps them readjust to the outside life. Maybe we could do a dial in vote to see who gets put in isolation for a day or two. Every call generates more money for the system that they thumbed their noses at. Feel free to add your own ideas to this but if any producers see this and take my idea. Please just put my name somewhere in the credits.

After I wrote this I spoke to a friend who works in a local prosecutor's office and he said that legally it would fly with the exception of having a call in vote to see who goes into solitary. Something about not ever bypassing someone's 6th amendment rights.

Today someone posted an article where Charles Manson was caught with a cell phone in his prison cell. I got tickled and came up with the following comments I left on her post. Thanks Ginger for posting that. Oh yeah here is a link to the article. ARTICLE

He was talking to Lil' Wayne.

Phone: buzz buzz buzz ( on silent in prison)

Lil' Wayne: (in a hush whisper) Who dis?

Charlie M.: Hi...hello, uh...jeez sorry I am just nervous. It's been a long time since I have done something like this. I just wanted to say that I am a really just a huge fan of your work. I have to say that I have not been moved by music like yours since.....well since the Beatles. I just wish there was some way I could show you just how much your music means to me.

Lil' Wayne: ...........

Charlie M. : Well, this has been great just great and I want to thank you for taking my call. I hear the guards coming. Cell check day, you know how it is. Hey I hope to hear your new stuff real soon. I will talk to you more time, Huge, just a huge fan.

The reason for the Lil' Wayne reference is that he also is in prison and also just got caught with a cell phone in his cell. FYI

Charles Manson, just an out of control fanboy.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

At The Moment of Deciding to Breathe

Calm. Calm, would be the one word that describes the moment when I noticed the perfect calm of the world around me. Vision transfixed on a single point in front but not really looking at nor seeing anything. Perfectly aware of all that was going on around. Not sure how long it was until I noticed that I was not moving at all, perfectly still in the moment. A statue in the eternity of seconds who was at peace with all that had come before and could be at equal peace with no more things to come. Finding it to be just like those seconds at the bottom of a swimming pool after the chaos of the dive have subsided and the water is silent and you are at the center of the calm. I was not breathing and it felt as if the decision was mine if ever to take up the habit again. Inhale and keep the story going or just sit there in the cushioned throne of stasis. Obviously there was a time limit to the decision yet urgency was missing from this equation. Fade away without another stress, bother, or worry. Breathe the next breathe of adventure, joy, and shared life with those you love. Though no rush was issued, and no anxiety felt in the decision, there was never a question of the outcome. How could I not breathe and give up the fight? To many have I seen who stopped breathing long ago, walking husk that only reflect the place that was their stopping point. Chest rises and falls and the chaos of every heartbeat must be used better than the day before. In times before now, often has the boy stood there throwing rocks into the water without purpose other than to hear the plunk of invaded liquid surface. To often have I squandered the resources of myself to lost endeavors and petty blueprints. I see now how limited the pile of rocks I stand upon is. How my aim must be truer as the years skip across the pond. Stop just stirring the water when there are real fish to catch if only you would just pick up the pole and cast.