
Monday, February 15, 2010

And Today I Write This…..

I am the type of person that likes things put back the same place every time, where as my wife is like lightening in that she never strikes the same place twice. I know this is just her nature and it aggravates her when she can’t find her keys but that is who she is so you just accept it and help her look for things from time to time. I told her this morning that her “condition” had moved from mere annoying to hindering because it was slowing me in the making of coffee. The coffee and all things coffee related are put on one shelf but for some reason she had relocated the coffee to a shelf inside the pantry. When you are up early and not nearly alert enough for such mental drills this can be bothersome. In the end it mattered not at all but it made me think, just how much you love a person is in direct proportion to the amount of aggravation you are willing to accept from that person and their habits. As one does not know/like a random stranger their habits are easily irritating and therefore you would distance yourself quickly from that person and their habits.

Last night for Valentine’s Day, my wife and I decided to make it a day for our little girls. I see on my day to day life enough women who settle for guys who don’t respect, honor, or take care of them. By this I don’t mean women who have every need met by a man, but rather a man who 1. works 2. contributes to the raising of their child and 3. lets that woman know that they are loved. I have read that a lot of this starts with the woman’s self image and how they view their own value as a woman/person. Many of the problems with this self image is related to how their parents set the example. More importantly how the father set the example in the home. I hope I don’t wait for a day marked on the calendar to show my wife how I feel for her, so I wanted to use the day to show our daughters how special, loved, and amazing they were to their daddy and mommy. The girls got to pick the dinner menu to which they chose tacos. While it would not be my first choice as a Valentine's day dinner, it was delicious so they did well in that regard. When I got home from work I greeted each of the ladies in the house with roses. A dozen for mommy and a bouquet of three for each of the girls. Yellow for Charlotte and pink for Sophia. The girls were cute and Charlotte exclaimed that this was the first time anyone had given her flowers. That made me happy to see that she saw this as a special thing. All of the children got a valentine from mommy or daddy with sweets and presents. All in all it was a special day as a family. I want to make sure I am doing everything I can to make sure my daughters know that they do not settle for less from any boy/man who comes into their lives. They are amazing and anyone who wants to be a part of their lives needs to be aware, recognize this, and respond to this in a manner that shows respect and reverence to my daughters. Anything less is unacceptable and will garner a discussion between this young man and this daddy. Of that you can be sure. My Charlotte is turning seven next month and I know it is early to worry about boys coming into the picture but I want to make sure she is proud and self assured now.

This blog entry will end now as I hear my littlest child calling for his daddy. Keep it real or keep it real quiet.


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