
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Rewrite and the Dare

In the stories that run through our heads, we are always the main character, be they heroes or villains. We are never the supporting cast, the friend, the comedy relief, the ones who never get a chance at love nor the opportunity to win the day at the last minute. We snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. We carry the flag in our stories. So when it comes to the way we live our lives in the "world" why do we allow for the rewrite? We let others reduce the impact of our characters on the main story. Hold the pen and make the call. Guide the story as you would have it be and don't be afraid to write angrily some times. Scribble down the emotion that is so needed to flesh out the characters and situations that make the best stories. It not only effects you but can make the story better for all the characters involved.

Why Dare to be More?

Because we see the fear in our own eyes. We smell the ripe decay and sweet rotting wasteland of all the dreams we left to die because we dared not. Dare and chance a failure but if we do nothing then the outcome is assured. I have tried to dare more in the last year and I will strive to do more so in the years to come. I will seek the adventure and even in fear I hope I step forward at the time of chance.

Now .....for something different.

I kid you not when I tell you the Shower Gnomes are coming. I am writing now and hope to have it finished soon to the dismay of my wife who hate the idea of the project almost as much as she hates the discussing of Shower Gnomes in the house.

I have to leave this here for now as I have pressing real world things to handle.

Keep it real in the unreality of it all.


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