
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Yeah, I really need to post something.....

Alright it has been a little past forever since I actually sat down and made a post. Here it is and I am shooting this one from the hip so forgive me if I ramble. I have been tied up in work to much lately with getting a new assistant manager and some transitions involved with that. I have also just shifted my schedule to reflect the fact that my wife is done with school. For the last year we have not had a day off together and now we are able to once again as well as my days off not being fixed to her school schedule. So this being the first day off that we have had all day off together, I feel like we are chilling. I am fine with this, but I feel she wants more from the day and is aggravated. We also have to hook up the first family camping trip as my daughters have been bugging me for the last year to take them on a camping trip but not one of "Daddy's" camping trips, they want a fun one. This means they don't want to backpack into a site but rather park a car get out and camp where there are bathrooms nearby. This is funny but understandable as my girls are very much girls.

My new health routines and eating habits are still going well. As I write this I am extremely sore from a late night workout and then sleeping in just enough to make me a bit stiff. I have been stretching as the day goes but need more. I have my weight back down and am focusing on muscle mass and over all strength and endurance. I am working on reconditioning the way I run so that I minimize impact on my knees, ankle, and back with the heel first style that had been my go to since youth. I have found a great website that has tons of good information on stuff of this nature . I stumbled across his stuff on Youtube and actually started watching one video after another. What he lacked in production value, he seemed to find in an honest approach to what he was telling you. He wasn't trying to sell you anything, in fact the resources on his page are free. He just wants to help people get healthy. I really think a lot of the guys work.

Just had my first anniversary with the Zombie Squad 001 of St. Louis and it has been a great year of events and making friends. I have an appointment on August 19th to get my ZS logo inked on my Skin. Jamie Toon is doing a custom design and I can't wait to see the art that will be my left arm and shoulder. I will post pictures later.

I posted a while back that I would explain how to play the Phil Collins Game. As I started to write it down, it started to seem that it may not seem as fun to others as they weren't there for the first episodes that led up the game's existence. Alright let me try to put this together for you. The Phil Collins game actually has roots in the death of Heath Ledger. Now bare with me as I am not trying to make any joke of his death. One of my employees came into work one day swearing up and down that she had heard the night before that Phil Collins was the first person that one of the Olsen twins called when they discovered the Heath was dead in their apartment. This was not the case and we figured out that Teri (my employee) had dozed off while watching TMZ and merged many of the stories they were playing together. As I thought about it, it made sense in a way. Phil Collins is evil in the purest form and only puts forth this jolly rube front to fool the masses. From that point I would take something in the news and tweak it and bring the story to focus on a mystery person of responsibility and when the person hearing my story would say, "Who was it?", the answer would be Phil Collins and they knew I had gotten them. It was kind of a bullshitters battle royale if you will. In the stories we have shared since the games invention we have discovered that Mr. Collins is responsible for things such as but not limited to; The Kool-Aid recipe used in Jonestown, Introducing Jessie James to the white power tattoo model (Phil lead the white supremacy group she belonged to), Played a benefit concert for epilepsy and used a strobe light on every number, is the father of at least two of John and Kate's eight, constantly tells Mel Gibson he should stop holding back and tell people what he really feels, and has created a genetic life form that scares even himself in the form of Justin Bieber. Feel free to try it on your friends.

I have toyed with the idea of doing a web comic and start posting some of the offerings here on this blog and have a range of topics from the shower gnomes to crazy crap that has actually happened in the restaurants I have run. As I know very few people will see it, it will just be a measure of doing it for the sake of doing it and practice. If you have worked for me or with me over the years you will recognize some of the characters.

I am going to go for now as I need to oversee the cleaning of my children's playroom as they seem to think I have sent them to the salt mines for torturous labor and seem to need a high level of motivation to complete this task.

Until next time, Keep it real or keep it quiet.

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